You want to sell your house. Preferably quickly and for a good price. The best way? Such an expensive television spot is therefore not an option. That is why 12 tips in a shortened course to a home marketer.
Determine the correct current price
Every marketer knows: if I ask too much money for my product, things go wrong. But what is your home really worth? For this the judgment of the broker is a good starting point. Housing appraisals are often done by real estate agents. So, three brokers invite you to ‘possibly sell your home’. They then give an estimate of the value. Take the average and you know what your home is worth.
Determine the right asking price
People are going to negotiate on your house. Sometimes with undesirably low bids.
Stand in the customer’s shoes. Would you respond to your own home with the asking price you ask yourself? In addition, make sure you are in the right price category, given the fundability on broker sites. With a home of $ 299,000 you will be found faster than with a home of $ 302,500.
Make sure that your home looks beautiful and neutral
You probably think your house is beautiful. Also that cow skin on the ground fits well in the device, just like the old pink color on the wall. But the chance that the viewer has your taste is small. Make your home as neutral as possible. Get inspiration from parties that also want to sell home affairs. If you still cannot get out, turn on a home stylist.
Find a flexible broker
They still exist: brokers who only visit on Tuesday and Friday morning. If a buyer or viewer wants to visit on Monday, that is not possible. You should not have that broker. Brokers who also do visits on weekends and at the beginning of the evening increase the sales opportunity.
Check the broker’s presentation
A broker must sell your home. But having a good personal story, being able to take good photos and writing a good sales text are three very different things. The question is whether the broker manages them all well. Be critical. If you are not satisfied with the text or photos, consult with the broker. After all, you pay him or her for it. There are sufficient parties that specialize in this.
Notify interested parties
Suppose someone comes to see more than once, but then leaves nothing to be heard. Then this person had excessive interest but something is not right somewhere. In that case, ask the broker to call the customer. Perhaps this interested person does have something that you can easily solve. If you do not call, you will never know. Brokers do not do this very often. Either: is well behind it.
Keep the advertisement up-to-date
Did you put your house up for sale last winter and have pictures taken? Perhaps it will soon be time for an update. A garden in bloom exudes more than a gray garden with bare plants. Even if you have made interim adjustments in-house, it is worth taking new pictures.
Add gimmicks to your profile
Have a good floor plan, a 360 ° photo or a video added to your page. As a result, you fall more and your ad is better appreciated. So more chance of contact requests. This probably has more effect for a spacious villa.
Put your home on social media
Show your home via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn? To do. Costs nothing, so do it. Please note that your privacy on the internet is extremely small. Everyone knows exactly where you live as a user, because name and address are linked.
Do something weird
Speak your own creativity. You yourself are probably more creative than you think. Show your home wherever you think it is possible. Make a big plate with King’s Day. Stick your house photos on it and put it in the market stall. It could just be a successful sale. You can always give away something at your home. Do you have a holiday home? Let the buyer of your house stay for free for two weeks in your holiday home. Costs little.